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Who is 'Putl'?

Hi, my name is Putl.

Topanga, CA

Well my real name is Brett. But I go by Putl. It's my artist name. Welcome to my blog.

I was born in Braward county Florida, but I grew up in Bemus Point, NY. I went to Bemus Point elementary, and Maple Grove Jr./Sr. High School which I graduated in 2015. So, I'm a Bemus boy for life. I also surprisingly went to college. I started at Jamestown Community College, and transferred to Syracuse University, where I recieved a B.F.A. (Bachelor of Fine Arts) in Film.

I'm an artist.

I make music, videos, and all kinds of content. I love all genre's of music, and I also like to explore new genre's and combine different genre's together. Some people say that I've created my own genre of music. I think that's pretty cool.

I started playing around with music when I was about three years old. According to my mom, I could pick out songs by ear that I heard on the radio, and then play them on the piano.

I have always had a natural ability for music. I learned very quickly, and with ease. Also I have LOVED music for as long as I can remember.

I grew up with my mom. My dad passed away when I was 1 year old. I do not have any memories of him. I never had any siblings either.. Let's just say, I've always been pretty independent.

I had a pretty troubled childhood (I'll get into that later) and I felt pretty lost in life up until I was 19. I was at Syracuse University, was living with my ex at the time. I just had no idea what I wanted to do in life. I tried smoking my own bodyweight in weed to distract myself from the existential crisis. But eventually, I realized that I wanted to make music. So, I went to guitar center and bought the cheapest guitar that they had:

I'm pretty sure it was $110. But this was the day it all changed. I had a direction. Something to focus on. I started my journey. I chose "Lenny" by Stevie Ray Vaughan as the first song I wanted to learn. (Probably the most difficult song I could have picked) and I got to work. It took me months to learn this song..

But in the process I learned the blues, chords, melody, timing, style..

By the magic of the universe. I found myself in a band. We called ourselves "The Knu"

This is where I really started to write music with them, and learn how to structure songs, and well, sound good.

We played at parties, bars, and restaurants in Syracuse. It was wild. Made some amazing memories. We even built a stage in our own living room. I thought we were gonna be bigger than The Beatles.

But, due to us all graduating college, and drama, we split up.

I broke up with my fianceé of 8 years, headed back home to Jamestown, NY, and started making music on my own.

I no longer had the two things I most strongly identified with.. the band, and my partner. But, this became a time of growth for me.. I started to find myself.

I put out a couple projects, each one I thought would blow up and give me all the money and fame I desired since I was young..

I was wrong. Although I did attract a local following..

Then my mom died..

So now here I am. I'm alone in this world. I must now take care of the house, the 5 cats, and sort through her entire life before starting my own. I do have the rest of my family, which I'm incredible grateful for. I also have my best friend, but now it's up to me to continue my bloodline, become successful and leave a legacy.

I still make music, and it's sounding better than ever. Something big is soon to happen. Recently I was in L.A. and got a chance to record at Paramount Recording Studios.

(Click to watch)

"Freeway" will dropping January 1st, 2024. Who knows.. might be part of an album..

Thanks for getting to know me a little bit.

This is only the beginning.

Brett a.k.a. Putl

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